Capturing Light in The Art
Capturing Light in Your Artwork is All About Finding Ways to Source It
Light can be a challenging element to work with, but that’s what makes it so beautiful when it’s done well. In this article, I’ll share some tips for capturing light in your own art and illuminate the different ways you can bring this natural phenomenon into your work!
Look Beyond the Light Itself.
Let’s take a step back and consider what light actually is. It’s not just the rays we see but also reflected off of objects. In fact, it’s been shown that some people have better vision in dark environments than they do in bright ones. So while we may be accustomed to thinking of light as a unitary phenomenon, it can be broken down into its component parts—and even then right down to individual photons (the particles of which all matter and energy are made).
We can look at light as an artist would: as something that comes from many sources at once and has different properties depending on how it travels through space before reaching us; or we can consider what happens when these photons interact with each other or with other particles on their journey through our eyes, or we could even study how certain chemicals react to certain frequencies of visible radiation (what artists call “colors”).
Pay Attention to Shadows.
Shadows are an important part of a painting because they can help paint the illusion of depth or create light and dark areas. Shadows can also be used in motion to create the sense that something is moving. You might even use shadows to create a mood or feeling in your art!
Look at How it Affects Color and Texture.
The color of an object can change depending on the light and the surrounding environment. For example, if you are looking at a red ball in bright sunlight and then move to a dimly lit room with no windows, it will appear orange. Light also affects texture. When light hits an object, it creates shadows that show off its surface patterns and textures.
Don’t Just Look at the Light, Listen To It.
Light is invisible, but it can be heard. Have you ever listened to the way light moves? It’s soft, gentle, and subtle. As a source of illumination, it reflects off of surfaces rather than projecting itself directly at us as sound does. It comes from all directions at once; there’s no front nor back to any particular direction that we might face. Light is more than just an element; it’s a presence that we feel in our bodies.
Light also has a history and culture around how it affects us—this has been known since ancient times! Ancient cultures used light as part of their healing practices because they believed that certain colors could encourage specific emotions or bodily functions (like digestion).
So go ahead–listen today!
Find Ways to Source Light in Your Artwork.
Light is everywhere. It’s in the air, it’s in our food and water, and it’s even around us when it is dark out. When we think about light, we might not immediately think of it as a source of inspiration or energy—but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Light can be found everywhere around us, so there are endless ways you can use this as an artistic element for your artwork.
The art of capturing light is not an easy one, but it’s also not something that can be mastered overnight. It takes time, practice and patience to learn how to capture the essence of light in your work. With practice, you’ll find yourself getting better at it over time. And as always, I wish you luck on your journey!
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Zarina LOVES creating commission pieces, just for you to enjoy, as she has done for Tony Robbins, International Motivational Guru, and other keen collectors of her art pieces. Click HERE to find out more.